
Photo by DJ Johnson on Unsplash

Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 9:10


Our quarantined days remain filled with whispers of hope and shouts of concerns.

When are we getting out?

What will it be like when we get out?

Are we getting out?

And with the television/radio/social media channels churning with reports from every area of the world, it’s hard to know who or what to trust. Even the verbs are confusing. Go out. Stay in. Walk free. Mask on. Get tested. Relax. Listen to this word from the mayor this speech from the governor these prayers from your pastor these rumors from your neighbor.

Those who know YOUR name…

My grandmother Joan only studied as far as high school, but through her life, she taught me there’s only one way to stand like steel amid chaos.

It’s not about what you know…its about WHO you know.

trust in You

Without trust in God, fear becomes a constant predator. It doesn’t growl at your door though. It will simply…and quietly…eat you alive from the inside out, gnawing at you with questions you can’t answer.

What’s going to happen with my job?

How will I pay my bills?

How will we eat?

These are legitimate life-sized concerns…and scripture gives us this…

For you, Lord

Hard times reveal our God isn’t a benign God. He is Lord of our wealth and Lord of our needs. When you call out to Him, you’re right in the midst of the current and He’s carrying you along.

How can you trust Him? Well, if you’re reading this right now, He’s the one who guided you to it. But do you know his name? Jehovah-Jireh. Seek Him. Call on His name. The Lord will see to it – he will supply your every need.

And he provides spiritually and practically to those who search for Him.

have never forsaken those who seek you.

Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.

You are reading this post in a country that has a church located in every single city in the nation. That’s by His design. So, if you’re starving and in need right now, call on His name, then look for his people. Ask for help. Trust that He provided us to feed the hungry and clothe the naked and visit the lonely and pray for the broken in spirit.

Yeah, that’s us.

Even if we had to come to see you and stand six feet apart, we’d do it. Why? Because that’s how our Father raised us. By His design.

Coronavirus is a beast. The struggle is real. People are dying and the economy has tanked and it’s not a joke and it’s not funny. But there remains a way to live in peace one day at a time, calling on the only God who promised to provide your daily bread.

He will never leave you or forsake you.

Don’t simply trust your struggle. Trust Him in your struggle.

Because you can.