God made…

God made me to be uncomplicated in my faith. to watch children & kites & sunsets & rainbows & enjoy them. to take your hand regardless of who you are or how you look. to listen to you. to accept you right where you are. to love you unconditionally. God made me to be real. to be honest. to be open. to never compare myself to you, but to strive to become my own best person. to have character and dignity.

~ann kiemel anderson

But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them just as he wanted them to be.

2 Corinthians 12:18

Life has grown so complicated in America.

Nothing is enough for anyone.

Have you noticed that? Or is it just me?

When Anne Lamott wrote the first version of Bird By Bird, I’m sure she was encouraged to do just that. To write. To put words down on paper future authors would read and learn how to write down the essentials of a story “bird by bird.”

When Martin Luther King, Jr. composed the I Have a Dream speech, it came from the heart and wowed everyone with its honesty, hopefulness, and simplicity. He spoke with firmness and tenacity. No extra commentary needed.

No bridges. No tolls.

I believe the God I serve is a God of simplicity and He whispers to us daily, go slowly my child. Be faithful and know I made you for my purpose.

Part of my being an author is understanding that God didn’t make me something else. If he had, I would have worked at that diligently, honoring him with the skills He gave me. And I do have moments when I wonder why I hadn’t been created to be a professor or master accountant.

Or Anne Lamott.

But it’s freeing to trust God with your particular job in his universe. It means you can let go of aspirations that have nothing to do with God’s will for your life.

And you can excel as that pastor or teacher or sculptor or speaker and just be that.

God made.

And free.